Nerd work
Want to see a complete collection of my nerditude? I now have a professional web site: |
In one of my very first college courses, I remember discussing the (oh-so-true) maxim “Communication is the key to life!” Apparently it had an impression on me because (gulp) 13 years later, here I am with not one or two but three degrees in communication studies. Having recently finished a Ph.D. from the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University, I’m pleased to list “nerd” as my day job. Below, I’ve compiled a bunch of nerd-work related posts. (To see more nerdy professional details including CV/publications, click here or visit
Research things:
- No “perishing” today: On becoming an academic author
- Nerdgasms and other insights from inside the “publish or perish” process
- Life lessons: You can’t win the lotto if you don’t play
- Nerdgasm: Honors at the International Communication Association convention
- Road rage sparks conceptual clarity: Remembering emotions are multi-faceted
- “Interesting,” the most overused word in academia and perhaps, the world
- Answering the ‘WTF’? questions and other curios
- Cocaine is not for kids
- Doctors are people, too
Teaching things:
- First day of school rituals
- Stripper turns award-winning college instructor? Hardly. Welcome to my most embarrassing moment in the classroom.
- Communicating with your college professor: 13 Dos and Don’ts
- Back in the teaching saddle and loving it!
- Grading Nazi/kindergarten teacher/saint: Processing student evaluations
- The loves and hates of teaching
- Reading about spiritual practices: Sometimes grading can be fun
- Grades are not Halloween candy
- Wait, they’re not actually demon seed?
Grad school things:
- Dos and don’ts of dissertation writing
- You can call me Doctor Blue Muse
- The only good dissertation is a done dissertation
- Greetings from dissertation land!
- How I plan to celebrate finishing the dissertation
- The dissertation downhill
- ABD and preparing for The Year of the Dissertation
- A grateful heart: Friends, the secret to surviving comprehensive exams
- A grateful heart: I SURVIVED COMPS
- Leaving the defensiveness out of the comps defense
- “Get your $*** done”: Reflections on a social media moratorium
- Celebrating the end of comps writing
- It’s not you, it’s me. Taking a break from social media (so I don’t fail my comprehensive exams)
- Intro to sensemaking, aka “How can I know what I think until I see what I say?”
- Operation Kick Comps Ass: How I plan to survive comprehensive exams
- “Losing my train” in front of my academic idols: Contending with public speaking anxiety
- Last fortnight in the desert
- Two years down: A Doctoretta in the house and a wife on the way
- The dirt on doctoral studies
- Five sour creams and the filthiest car in the west: Why I’m pretty sure PhD school causes brain damage
- Playback methodology: Feeling “in” my body
- Rekindling the academic mojo
- I heart the first day of school
- First year snapshot
- Nerdfest 2009, aka surviving the National Communication Association convention
- A gym-piphany
- PhD school one month progress report
- Whoa baby, I’m a big giant nerd