#100HappyDays: My lovelies
Marm and Lady A. May 31, 2014 Happiness be ladies’ lunching with my Marm, sis, and baby niece. xoxo, shawna #100HappyDays 1. …
Marm and Lady A. May 31, 2014 Happiness be ladies’ lunching with my Marm, sis, and baby niece. xoxo, shawna #100HappyDays 1. …
My niece Adelynn is cornering the market on cuteness! I’m pretty well floored by how fast babies learn. Having not grown up …
Baby Duckie and Grand-Marm. Having never been around babies consistently, I am boggled, yes, BOGGLED by how fast my little niece Adelynn …
A two-day old baby sleeping on your chest… One of life’s great pleasures I think. (Especially when you don’t have to change …