It’s a bird, it’s a plane… it’s seriously US in those pictures!

I’ve had to pretend to actually be a student for the last few days, and so I haven’t had time to fully gush about the wonder that is our wedding photographer, Beth Baugher from True Love Photo. I know I posted the preview already, but in case you lost your memory in the last few days, I will remind you of her visual genius.

Before the photos, a quick word about Beth. She is, to use a Mr. T phrase, a nutball. She is boisterous and energetic and full of crazy ideas (like getting married in a bowling alley or laying in a field of fox tails), and if you don’t smile when you’re around her, I’m afraid you might not be among the living. Truly, her energy and positive attitude are infectious. She’s also a pro. She carries around a car’s worth of photographic equipment on her person, and she wields her lenses with quick-draw speed. If that’s not remarkable enough, it’s really what she can do with them. In the following photos, you’ll see she can even make crack sealant look amazing.

To see more of her fabulousness, visit her blog (her captions are hilarious), or check out her kick-ass slideshow of Mr. T and me (or other people, I’m just partial to the us types).


Not every day I get to walk on a warbird!

Me trying not to fall off the Stearman.

In case you missed this Twilightness the first time around!

Not exactly traditional engagement portraits, no.

See what I mean about the crack sealant?


We’re always campaigning for “most attractive couple”

Again, thank you for bringing the random albatross whoever you are.

Today, I’m selling RVs.

Could the light be any yummier? Really.

One of my faves.

Yay for the GOLDEN HOUR!!

Thank you Beth. I’ll be using this as my FB profile pic until I’m 90.

Even if we never do it in public, there is dancing. 🙂

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