When academia and wedding mania collide

Earlier this week I wrote of a seriously awful dream. Apparently the nightmares are off and the world of bizarre is back. Last night it was first day of school anxiety meets walking down the aisle. For some reason, the wedding was outdoors on the lawn at Walla Walla College (under a tent outside Chan Shun Pavilion, if you care). Not sure who was in charge, but they started before I could change into my dress or have my hair done. And also before I could finish my syllabus! I walked down the aisle with half-done syllabi in my arms, clad in jeans and a t-shirt, hair in a pony tail. Rocking the unkempt-bridal chic look, I refused to go to the reception until I figured out my students’ assignments for the semester. Whoa. Talk about commitment to education. (ha!)

Translation? I’m nervous about school starting on Tuesday and feel unprepared. I’m teaching my first online course and I really have no idea what I’m doing. Fun times! (Any suggestions will gladly be taken.) Additionally, things seem all-wedding, all-the-time around these parts. Buying beverages, choosing place settings, tasting more cupcakes (WOOHOO), finding tuxes (fingers crossed), addressing invitations… too much going on to process in real life and it comes out in vividly strange dreamscapes.

Oh, you might be wondering about the horse picture. I tried to find a wedding veil and jeans picture, and this popped up in the google search. It made me chuckle and I just had to share! (The dorkiness is coming out, I know…)


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