The Daily Pixel: Hitting the wall, puppies in class, tulips, & Ewok fashion
I’m sitting in my home office watching wild turkeys haul ass down the street. One by one, they strut and squawk, running hell-for-leather toward some unknown but apparently important turkey business. Oh to be carefree as a bird. Instead, I’m sifting through scholarly articles, crafting essays, and realizing that again, I’m behind on my daily photo posting. I should call these weekly pixels at this rate. In any case, a few photos for your enjoyment…
#25- January 25, 2012- Hitting the (office) wall
#26- January 26, 2012- Puppies in the Classroom
#27- January 27, 2012- The end of tulip time
I wish my favorite flowers lasted longer! Even better, I wish the tulip bulbs I try to plant would actually live. Any advice? |
#28- January 28, 2012- Ewok fashion!
All the cool kids have Ewok shirts you know. |