Note: “Tea bagger” is NOT the same as “tea party”

The class burst into guffaws, some students covering their mouths and giggling.

Me, I hid behind lecture notes, instantly turning a lovely shade of lobster.

Take it from me. You haven’t lived until you’ve accidentally said “tea bagger” instead of “tea party” to a classroom full of college seniors.

Call it a Freudian slip. Or sleep deprivation. Or the result of having ice cream cake for lunch. Whatever, but I’ve really never seen so many shocked, then gleeful faces.

And believe me, there is really no way to recover a lecture after a comment like that.

Luckily, my students seemed more amused than offended, and at least a couple people had no idea what was funny. And I’m pretty sure they will never ever forget today’s lecture on Burkean analysis. That’s something, right?

your favorite bad professor

National Blog Posting Month:
Day 1- National Blog Posting Month on BlogHer: I’m in
Day 2- Project Green Thumbs Season 5, winter edition!
Day 3- Things I’d rather do instead of “killing my darlings”

Day 4- A grateful heart: A man who understands writing deadlines
Day 5- Velveting: The secret to restaurant quality Chinese chicken

Other teaching posts:


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