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Reckoning the leaves of change

Today I walked around campus as it was snowing leaves of change. Yellow and orange flutters signaling a shift in season, so …

I don't always like to help people move

The U-haul workout

I was conveniently out of town the last several times my little sister moved. (Just like I’m conveniently out of town when …

A very merry birthday to Mom-5!

Happiest of birthdays to Mom-5! Enjoying a damn fabulous birthday dinner at The Waterboy. xoxo, shawna NaBloPoMo May 2015 May 1– To selfie …

FAA Safety Briefing.

A friendly note from the FAA

“What did you do?!” I exclaimed as Mr. T flipped through the mail and remarked that a manila envelope from the FAA …

Making a SacStatement

Whenever I teach about organizational culture, I start by asking students to identify important elements of their school culture like physical artifacts, …