Nothing says Happy New Year like a flight in the Cessna 190

41 degrees on New Year’s morning, preflighting the Cessna 190. Starting 2015 out right!

No lies, I was in bed and asleep by 9:45 last night. Some New Year’s eve, huh?

Now before you go thinking I’ve turned in my Young Person’s Card, do know that we spent the day–13+ hours of it–traveling from New York to San Francisco to Sacramento. So really, according to body clocks, we stayed up a respectable amount of time.

Such responsible sleeping behavior translated to early birding New Year’s day and enough energy to start the year out right–in the air!

Mr. T and I took the Cessna 190 to a fly-in at Nancy’s Airport Cafe in Willows, CA. Really, T shuttled me while I took tons of pictures (see below, of course).

The sad news? I didn’t get a Nancy’s grill cheese as planned. (Trivia: Nancy’s was the location and meal of our first ever flying date!). But the good news? It was because so many people showed up for the fly-in. Nancy’s was packed and we trekked across the freeway to the Blackbear Diner where every one of us broke any type of New Year’s dieting plan. Ah well.

Happy New Year!!


Other New Year’s things…


Checking the fuel in the Cessna 190 requires the top rung of a tall ladder.
The 1952 Cessna 190 was a business liner originally.
The Cessna 190 is a finicky lady to get started when the temps are in the 40s as they were this morning.
Leaving Sacramento Executive Airport (KSAC).
Sleepy Sacramento on New Year’s Day 2015.
Deep water channel in Sacramento. Nice to see the water up!
Can’t think of a better way to kick off the new year.
Northern California farmland and wildlife areas. Pretty, even in winter.
The little white dots are birds! Hundreds of ’em.
Flying North to Willows over Sacramento, Davis, and Woodland.
I never fail to be captivated by the shapes of farm crops. (And swimming pools, when we’re flying over neighborhoods.)
Northern California wildlife sanctuary land.
Flocks of birds, everywhere.
Wildlife refuge area.
So many birds!
Sadly, most of the other planes departed before we got back from lunch. But here’s another gratuitous shot of the 190 instead.
Across from us, the Cessna 172 I first started flying lessons in! I definitely squealed about soloing that plane (just to T though. No push-to-talk for the passenger apparently.)
A happy Mr. T who’s been getting squirrely with all of the time on the ground lately. Between holidays and bad weather, he hasn’t been flying enough to maintain optimal personableness.
2015 resolution: Finish the private pilot certificate!
Northern California rice paddies and other things.
Cessna 190 shadows at McClellan where the avgas is pretty cheap this week.
Aerial view of Cal Expo fairgrounds where the holiday spectacular is packing up.


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