101 Pat-Downs: Available for pre-order!
It’s been a long, strange year. Like many, I’m damn delighted to see it go. Like counting the minutes until midnight and contemplating doing all of the New Year’s traditions delighted–grapes, black-eyed peas, tossing out water, opening doors and windows, whatever you got.
One utterly surreal bright spot though? I finished my book! Finished it enough that it’s available for pre-order on Amazon (and other places) anyway. So bizarre but amazing.
The book, 101 Pat-Downs: An Uncover Look at Airport Security and the TSA, is the story of my journey researching airport security and flying weekly-biweekly during grad school.
Want to know the craziest object I ever took through security? The strangest thing a security officer has ever given me? The consequences for dangerous contraband? How much change the TSA collects in a given year? The peculiar ways we communicate with security officers and vice versa? How we can make airport security less stressful through communication? It’s all in the book!
I’m currently equal parts excited and terrified. People might actually read this thing! Having lived in the academic world for so long, I’m used to plus or minus five people reading what I write. So putting the work out into the great wide world is a bit daunting, but so exciting.
If you are so inclined, you can pre-order the book today:
• Amazon
• Potomac Books
• Barnes & Nobles
• Google Books
It’ll be ready for your summer reading, June 1, 2021.
If you’re in the mood for some nerd work about the research context in the meantime, perhaps I could interest you in some scholarly articles…
Malvini Redden, S., & Scarduzio, J.A. (2018). A different kind of dirty work: Hidden taint, intersectionality, and emotion management in bureaucratic organizations. Communication Monographs, 85, 224-244. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03637751.2017.1394580 Download A different type of dirty work: Hidden taint intersectionality and emotion management in bureaucratic organizations
Scarduzio, J.A., & Malvini Redden, S. (2015). The positive outcomes of negative emotional displays: A multi-level analysis of emotion in bureaucratic work. Electronic Journal of Communication, 25. Retrieved from http://www.cios.org/getfile/025305_EJC Download The Positive Outcomes of Negative Emotional Displays
Malvini Redden, S. (2013). How lines organize compulsory interaction, emotion management, and “emotional taxes”: The implications of passenger emotion and expression in airport security lines. Management Communication Quarterly, 27, 121-149. doi: 10.1177/0893318912458213 Download How Lines Organize Compulsory Interaction