Braceface Chronicles: Tooth freedom and Invisalign pros and cons
I must admit, this straight teeth smile looks weird to me still! Please don’t say no. Please don’t say no. Please don’t …
I must admit, this straight teeth smile looks weird to me still! Please don’t say no. Please don’t say no. Please don’t …
Hello! In case you wonder, despite being deep inside dissertation land, I am, in fact, alive. Barely, thank you sleep deprivation and …
Luckily, I only have braces on the top row and only on those front teeth. And if you must know, my braces …
Mr. T and I enjoy asking Siri strange questions like: “Where can I hide a body?” She pulls up local options like …
Over the past 10 months of wearing Invisalign braces, I’ve eagerly awaited The End. According to my crackulations, I expected to be …
Not a substitute for regular brushing, but these waterless brushes are good when out and about. Photo credit. On a good day, I …