Finally: Death with Dignity in California
“Hi, Bill!” “Billlll!” “Heeeey, trouble!” We’d just started eating dinner when a chorus of waiters and bartenders began calling out greetings to …
“Hi, Bill!” “Billlll!” “Heeeey, trouble!” We’d just started eating dinner when a chorus of waiters and bartenders began calling out greetings to …
Despite the blessedly beautiful storm clouds covering my neighborhood right now, California is in a terribly, ugly, awful, persistent drought. Thinking about …
Flying my short cross country solo to Modesto (KMOD) & Los Banos (KLSN) “Skylane 5887B, state your intentions.” Crap, crap, crap I …
Tank, Slick and Rodoc of the West Coast Ravens smoking up the sky at the West Coast Formation Clinic, April 2014, in …
Mr. T leading the ground school for safety and lead pilots at the West Coast Formation Clinic affiliated with the West Coast …
Spring over the Sierras on Tax Day, April 15. Apologies for the radio silence this week. I just got home from a …
Today’s Sacramento rain storm even made the rocks pretty. Our new moss rock boulders came alive with color today. Loamy? Earthy? Plain …
What? You garden doesn’t look like this mid-January? Mine either. Photo from May, 2013. Sigh. For the past month, my dreams have …
Mid-December cross country flight over Lake Berryessa in Northern California. “Fly like I’m not here.” In advance of our short cross country …
The aroma of caramel corn wafting through the morning air. Bleating sheep led by 4-H kids in crisp white uniforms. Food booths …