Hopscotch Honeymoon Part VI: Oshkosh b’gosh! part 2
After surviving night one in the dorm (it really wasn’t so bad, so I keep telling myself), T and I were ready to see some planes! T told me that his favorite part of the week was watching me go nuts taking pictures. Here are a few for you:
We kicked off Oshkosh by touring the DC-7.
It’s based out of Florida somewheres.
Looked at early aircraft at Pioneer Airport.
Cool to see so many tails and props and wings mixed together.
Note the Rare Bear cap.
Vintage air race posters!
That would be the battle cry… “Oshkoshhhh”
Inside the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) Museum. It’s the largest private aviation museum in the world. It may also be the largest private museum in the world, but I could be getting that factoid mixed up!
Johnsonville Brats*. When in Rome.
DC-3. It was the 75th anniversary and we watched 25+ come in for a landing. TOO COOL!
T-28 aerobatics.
T’s buddy, John, is trying to convince him to buy a T-28. Some day!
Gotta love a place where mustangs hang out everywhere!
Aeroshell T-6s.
Watched this mustang taxi by less than 10 feet from T!
John Mohr doing aerobatics in a stock Stearman. This model is JUST like the one T flies, only if he did Mohr’s aerobatic moves, I’d need valium on an IV drip!
See what I mean??
Aerobatic guru Shawn Tucker’s custom made bi-plane Challenger.
As if towing a car were no big deal. This is Ford’s 2010 Exploder. Looks like a Murano to me!
In case we forgot where we were.
Duggy, the smile in the sky! This is the first time I’ve clapped eyes on Duggy since my first Reno Air Races!
Tim hanging out with Sacramento pal, Brad Poling. Brad and his partners built the Model O, a beautiful reproduction of an airplane that no longer exists! The Model O won the top prize for a reproduction and a “Bronze Lindy” for the builder. Congrats!
I’d lie and say we had ice cream every day because it was hot. But it really wasn’t that bad. I just had ice cream every day because I COULD! And it was WONDERFUL!
The smiling face of a soft-serve inhaler.
Post-air show roasted corn, an Oshkosh tradition!
Next up: More Oshkosh!
* You will note that the presence of saurkraut indicates that this brat is entirely Mr. T’s. If it belonged to me, it would be kraut-free and covered in pickley green goodness.