Hangar time
A couple snaps from a leisurely Saturday at the airport… You can’t be a pilot if you don’t talk with your …
A couple snaps from a leisurely Saturday at the airport… You can’t be a pilot if you don’t talk with your …
Despite the blessedly beautiful storm clouds covering my neighborhood right now, California is in a terribly, ugly, awful, persistent drought. Thinking about …
We made them crowd into the shed, sweltering in the Sacramento summer. It was our “classroom.” And by golly, we had signed …
“Old fashioned lamb cake… Just like you remember.” Old fashioned lamb cake, definitely the funniest dessert I’ve ever seen. It reminded me …
We were at 3,000 feet practicing steep turns, stalls, and slow flight, me knocking six months of rust off when I remarked …
Although I’m feeling trepidation at another painful drought year, I’m relishing the color and texture of early spring in Sacramento. …
A few hours hooked up to an old-school leukapheresis machine. So weird to see blood going in one arm and out the …
41 degrees on New Year’s morning, preflighting the Cessna 190. Starting 2015 out right! No lies, I was in bed and asleep …
Have social media using teens in your life? Please join Above the Fray in helping them learn ways to be safer, more …
My dance teacher, Joanna of Joanna’s Kids-R-It in Sacramento, is celebrating her 30th anniversary teaching dance and gymnastics. I’m tickled to see …