I suck at resolutions and it’s okay.
The fourth week of school starts tomorrow seventh week of school ends on Friday and while perusing lesson plans, I ran across something …
The fourth week of school starts tomorrow seventh week of school ends on Friday and while perusing lesson plans, I ran across something …
We made them crowd into the shed, sweltering in the Sacramento summer. It was our “classroom.” And by golly, we had signed …
One back-to-school ritual is to visit my new classrooms. I wear entirely too much black to work with chalkboards, but alas. (Pictured: …
Who knew finishing my doctorate would mean going back in time? Well, that’s what it feels like tackling an overdue to-do: Diminishing …
Click. Print. Another chapter. Drafted! To mark the occasion, I’ve thought up Thursday 13 ways I’m going to CELEBRATE when the entire …
Is it just me or do these weekday holidays confuse anyone else? I have no idea the day or date. The off …
“I’m really angry with you,” I spat while simultaneously trying to shovel falling noodles into my mouth and protect the mizithra-covered strands …
Since school let out in May, it’s shocked me how different my life/schedule/work has been week to week. I’ve flown for research …
It just hit, the dissertation anxiety. I’m mid-data collection and just looked at my timeline. Really? I said I would have my …
As I dressed for Zumba this morning, it occurred to me: It’s Wednesday. And I’m HOME. And I didn’t get up at …