My most memorable New Year’s Eve ever

I am medium good at keeping secrets. I can keep my trap shut no problem, but it hurts. It hurts! I blame the old journalist in me. I like to share The News. But when dear friends asked me to officiate their surprise New Year’s Eve nuptials, I was sworn to complete secrecy. (Even if Mr. T and I had already guessed the evening’s true intent. Muah ha ha.)

In the weeks leading up to the end of last year, I established my ministry with the Universal Life Church (I have the certificate and shiny wallet card to prove it) and started working on my remarks. Despite speaking publicly for a living, the thought of sealing people’s life long commitment to each other… in front of their loved ones… in a small intimate gathering… with my words was a wee bit terrifying! But my favorite wordsmith (his name starts with a “T”) helped me hone my script, crafting a personal, poignant, and funny message as unique as the happy couple.

Thank you, Axel, for capturing this awesome photo!

With the help of my trusty magic wand (yes, seriously), I pronounced our friends husband and wife, with only one or two little hiccups*: “By the power vested in me by the state of California, the Internet and magic…”

Watching two friends take care of some “unfinished business” by joining their lives together, and having a small hand in it, was definitely the most memorable New Year’s Eve ever!

Happy first anniversary Goose & Cougar, and happy New Year everyone!


* First time officiants, definitely confirm who has the vows before the ceremony starts. Ahem.

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