#100HappyDays: Gypsy chickens and birthday celebrations
Last Sunday, we celebrated my father-in-law, Ray-Dad’s, birthday at a charming nursery/restaurant in Loomis called the Flower Farm. Aside from family cheer …
Last Sunday, we celebrated my father-in-law, Ray-Dad’s, birthday at a charming nursery/restaurant in Loomis called the Flower Farm. Aside from family cheer …
My niece Adelynn is cornering the market on cuteness! I’m pretty well floored by how fast babies learn. Having not grown up …
Baby Duckie and Grand-Marm. Having never been around babies consistently, I am boggled, yes, BOGGLED by how fast my little niece Adelynn …
A two-day old baby sleeping on your chest… One of life’s great pleasures I think. (Especially when you don’t have to change …
A Christmas-scape, the newest addition to my holiday decor. Last year, yours truly got crafty and hot glued all of those medium-sized …
Something I learned today: Zumba is incredibly difficult when you have gravy coursing through your veins. Like me, this week. We just …
I would like the record to state that–Christmas decorations aside–my contribution to the Redden family garage mess is now contained in but …
“You just finished your PhD. What are you going to do?” “I’M GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!!” That’s an approximation of a conversation that …
It happened again. I blinked and there went a whole month! Upon reflection for this Thursday 13, it was a good one… …
With T-30 hours until Disneyland, I was on the phone with Disney Dining to make reservations for a “Character Breakfast” where you …