6 things I’m going to do before 2016, dammit

Because I apparently like a gnawing feeling in my stomach, I asked Siri how many days are left in 2015. 54, she said. 54! I consulted my list of 2015 goals and thought: so much left to do.

GoalsLike last year, I started to cherry pick items I thought I could accomplish in the next two months. But upon consulting last year’s post, I realized I didn’t get a single goal done! Not even ice skating in Central Park. (Waa!)

So, I figured I’d be more realistic this time. I pared down the list from 10 to 6, choosing things that have languished for a year or two (writing) and/or would make me supremely happy (pie). In no particular order, the six things I’m going to do before 2016:

  1. Pass my Private Pilot written exam. Because I can’t be a student pilot for forever.
  2. Fit into my pants. I’m stunned to report that thanks to the Christmas tree diet, this is nearly a reality!
  3. Make lemon meringue pie. Always wanted to learn, but have never tried. I’m thinking this will be a contribution to the Christmas table.
  4. Finish my book proposal and send it out to agents. Because it’s nearly done and a year overdue!
  5. Submit my main dissertation article for publication. Because it’s nearly done and two years overdue. (Geeze.)
  6. Send out last year’s Christmas cards. Planning to do this over Thanksgiving break. In my new gig, we get the entire week off. Plenty of time to address and label Christmas cheer.


NaBloPoMo posts:
The best laid plans
I just realized how much I miss Google Reader
Christmas tree diet report
A grateful heart: Coffee-n-walks
Slow clap for Canada (and gender equity)
Flashback Friday: Swimming with dolphins

NaBloPoMo November 2015 Badge

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