A grateful heart: Paella and friends
Yesterday’s tragic events in Paris and Beirut have weighed heavily on my heart. So today, heading off to a favorite annual event–the Berryessa Gap Paella Cook-off–I felt too lighthearted and frivolous.

But after spending the evening with dear, dear friends, I’m grateful for reminder that love and friendship are what makes this world great and worth caring about.
NaBloPoMo posts:
The best laid plans
I just realized how much I miss Google Reader
Christmas tree diet report
A grateful heart: Coffee-n-walks
Slow clap for Canada (and gender equity)
Flashback Friday: Swimming with dolphins
6 things I’m going to do before 2016, dammit
A grateful heart: A grump and a pint-sized bookworm
Why I appreciate Veterans in the classroom
V is for Victory. And Vitamix.
Je suis Paris