A grateful heart: Paella and friends

Yesterday’s tragic events in Paris and Beirut have weighed heavily on my heart. So today, heading off to a favorite annual event–the Berryessa Gap Paella Cook-off–I felt too lighthearted and frivolous.

Paella artistry at the annual Berryessa Gap Paella Cook-off.

But after spending the evening with dear, dear friends, I’m grateful for reminder that love and friendship are what makes this world great and worth caring about.


NaBloPoMo posts:
The best laid plans
I just realized how much I miss Google Reader
Christmas tree diet report
A grateful heart: Coffee-n-walks
Slow clap for Canada (and gender equity)
Flashback Friday: Swimming with dolphins
6 things I’m going to do before 2016, dammit
A grateful heart: A grump and a pint-sized bookworm
Why I appreciate Veterans in the classroom
V is for Victory. And Vitamix.
Je suis Paris

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