A grateful heart: Thanksgiving joy and gratitude doodles

As the food coma wears off and another Thanksgiving comes to an end, I’m feeling especially grateful for family, friends, and fantastic feasts. I especially loved a new feature at my mom’s table–doodles. She covered the table in white paper and supplied a rainbow of sharpies for us to draw what we were thankful for this year. So fun!

Since I’m still too full for tons of words, I’ll let pictures do the talking today…

Thanksgiving Dinner
I promised Thomas Dodson, president extraordinaire of Above the Fray, that I would make it a #PhoneFreeThanksgiving meal, just as soon as the obligatory plate picture was taken.
Thanksgiving fam
M-5’s first photo bomb!
Thanksgiving fam
A lovely family gathering, sans a few people who decided seeking medical attention sounded more fun than ritual feasting. (No, seriously, we missed you!)
Gobble gobble
Gobble gobble.
Thanksgiving dinner and fam
Marm and B.
Thanksgiving fam
Thanksgiving fam
Sister T., whose artwork puts mine to shame.
Thanksgiving fam
The mamas, Mom-5 and Marm.
Thanksgiving art
Marm relied on us to supply the table decorations, requesting we draw what we’re thankful for this year. Mr. T opted for a turkey installation piece and instead of the airplane I requested, a version of our not-yet-here garbage disposal. Little things in life, you know?
Thanksgiving art
Zana’s lovely art.
Thanksgiving Art
Ray-dad honored my request for a plane drawing.
Thanksgiving art
A blend of doodles by Brenda and Shawna.
Thanksgiving art
I started with our home, trees and dog. Then tried to portray work (the dollar bill) over which T drew my Christmas-Vitamix. Then a tomato bush, Christmas tree, all manner of desserts, an airplane, my sisters/niece (the array of shrunken heads to the right), the giant pink sea snail from Dr. Doolittle (yeah, I  know, it’s not pink) and a huge eyeball. Don’t ask me why. 
Thanksgiving Art
Tiffany’s doodles.
Thanksgiving art
Thankful for our family gathering and artsy activities.

Happy Thanksgiving!


NaBloPoMo posts:
The best laid plans
I just realized how much I miss Google Reader
Christmas tree diet report
A grateful heart: Coffee-n-walks
Slow clap for Canada (and gender equity)
Flashback Friday: Swimming with dolphins
6 things I’m going to do before 2016, dammit
A grateful heart: A grump and a pint-sized bookworm
Why I appreciate Veterans in the classroom
V is for Victory. And Vitamix.
Je suis Paris
A grateful heart: Paella and friends
Embracing “old lady” shoes. Maybe.
Controlling the teacher rage. Barely.
Flying photos and fall beauty
What happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas
Pretending I like the #NCA15 conference hotel
#NCA15 Org Comm top paper fabulousness
So long #NCA15
The best potato gratin ever, thank you Alice Waters
Artichoke parmesan sourdough stuffing
Green tomatoes
Baking with Marm

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